
Do you ever think of yourself as an adrenalin monkey? I don’t necessarily but I’ve never been afraid of heights really or stuff like this – so when Libby said she wanted to go zip-lining for her bachelorette party I was like YAHHOOOOO. THAT is my kind of bachelorette party. 

Libby’s sisters and bridesmaids joined and a couple of us girls who’s husbands were groomsmen. It was so fun! We met at the mall in Tucson (got some Starbucks) and drove in two vehicles to take us to Arizona Zipline Adventures. It’s up by Oracle and the road becomes a dirt road with no service so cache that map so you don’t get lost!

The place was awesome, the people were awesome, the ziplines were awesome. There was even a little place when we first got there to eat, give Libby gifts and then hang out for a minute. It wasn’t busy either but that may be because we went on Thursday mid-day. 

They drove us to the top of the course and you basically zip from line to line until you make it back down with the last one being the longest and fastest. The car ride was bumpy and we were all giggling because our heads were like hitting the top of the truck.

TIP:  I never knew altitude sickness was a thing until this trip. Tucson is flat but a few times that weed we’d gone up into the mountains and I felt weirddd. The ziplining didn’t scare me (some other peeps were scared, so it’s not that it’s not scary, I just like that kinda stuff) but the altitude totally got to me. Thankfully they had water at ever station and I would sit for a minute drink some water and just walk slow. 

So yeah, it was fun – they even do moonlight ziplining so that’d be sweet and the scenery is just awesome. Check them out for a fun activity!

Yes, that is a veil Libby is wearing in the picture up there! She did tuck it in a few times so it didn’t get stuck in the springs