Tips and Tricks – Mexico

1st tip – DON’T TALK TO ANYONE in the airport

When you are walking to your private transfer or the bus there are a top of people oh so willing to help you with luggage or this or that night club. You will have to pay or tip those people. Best bet is to avoid eye contact. If you make eye contact – they will come and talk to you. 

2nd tip – Get a private transfer

I know I said that in the Apple Vacations post but it’s worth saying again. Roundtrip vehicle cost about $100 – BOOK IN ADVANCE – you can’t do it when you land. Make sure someone is the designated “appointment guy” My dad takes that on. When you arrive, they will give you a stub to take the transfer back – Do Not Lose That. You will also have to meet with the transfer people another morning – Don’t Miss Meeting. That’s when they establish time to pick you up. 

3rd Tip – Direct Flight Early

Everyone wants to be on the beach early and you basically get a full day on day one.

4th Tip – TIP for nice view

I don’t know how my dad does it (I usually walk away because I’m embarrassed) but he always asked for rooms on the top floor facing the pools or ocean with a tip. It’s nice to not be on the first floor because there are critters and no one is above you and it’s nice to face the pools because it’s just a better view!


If you never been close to the equator – wow – sun may not feel hot with that nice ocean breeze, but lather up with UVB UVA Zinc sunscreen. We went through so much and STILL got sun

6th Tip – Beach Towels to beach early

They “say” you can claim beach spots but EVERYONE does it. My dad typically before breakfast will go down with towels, a book, flip flops and those handy dandy towel clips (that keep your towel from blowing away) and will reserve seats. If you don’t, you liable to not have seats together or be back by the food. Just make sure your not sitting behind some smoker like I was. NASTYYYY. Smoke blown in my face the whole day. NEW SEATS.

7th Tip – Reserve a few nice meals

Most resorts have different “themed” restaurants (Mexican, Italian, Steak, Hibachi…). You’re supposed to be able to reserve them before you get there, but that doesn’t seem to always work. So go and find a concierge to book you 2 or 3, whatever you want. You do have to “dress up” for these but that means no booty shorts and guys are supposed to be in a nicer shirt and shorts. Read for directions. Sometimes they’re laxs and you can get in, in cargo shorts, other times they make you change! If they tell you all times are taken when you want it, go the next day to a different concierge. 


This is not a tip but a common decency. These people work 12 hour days 6 days a week (I know because we’ve talked to a lot of them). They’re the hardest workers and they’re sooo nice. Doesn’t have to be like $5 per meal, but anything is better than nothing. Tip the servers, Tip the maids who clean your room, tip the private transfer people, tip the people who take you on an excursion, tip the Hibachi guy making food, tip the maid cleaning the floors. Bring $50/100 and you give a few dollars here and there (really depends on how many people are in your group, we split the tipping, someone would take breakfast or lunch or dinner)

9th Tip – Pack a Coverup

You’re not allowed into some of the nicer eating areas in just your bathing suit – so bring some sort of cover up to thrown on for lunch.

10th Tip – Stay Safe

A lot of people ask us if we feel safe in Mexico and truthfully I do. But we also don’t trip and we’re not there to get crazy. WHEREVER you are whether Mexico or another country, always watch people poor your drinks, don’t take anything from anyone you don’t know and be alert! Just common stuff. We also haven’t gone into Playa Del Carmen in a few years and I know there has been some issues there. But again, be alert, talk to the concierge at your hotel, they WANT you to have a good safe time so they’re not trying to get you hurt. Ask them their opinion. Get a taxi driver from them. Just be smart no matter where you go.