Stops Along the Way – Grand Marais / Duluth / Mall of America

Stops Along The Way

As in all road trips – it’s not just about the destination, but the scenes along the way – so these were a few of the highlighted stops we made.

Grand Marais

Our main reason for stopping in Grand Marais was to pick up fresh food that we didn’t pack with up – specifically meat! There is a place that my in-laws stopped at previously and LOVED – Old World Meats in Grand Marais. 

But before we got the meats we stopped for a meal in town at a place called Harbor House Grille. We then went and parked close to this bay area and walked around the downtown area of Grand Marais.

It is such a beautiful, quaint, clean little coastal town. It almost felt like a New England state but we were in Minnesota! 

There was a nice little walk area down to the end of a pier and people laying on the beaches and the coast guard station at the end. 

We were there for maybe 3 hours and it was just a cute little area. A must stop and see on the way in – where you’ll be secluded from civilization!

TIP: We bought ALL OUR FOOD here and it’s another hour or so to Golden Eagle Lodge – so you’re not going to want to make that drive again – but food and groceries here. Groceries were a little expensive because it was more market style groceries (from what we were able to find) but it was worth it!


We only stopped in Duluth on the way home to get out and stretch our legs and eat before we continued on our way but I will say it is such a cool lake front town. 

We ate at a place called Canal Park Brewing Company that had outdoor seating and big fire pits. Their location overlooks Lake Superior and is basically water front. We did notice there was a board walk that seemed to go around the a good size portion of lake front water way in Duluth called The Lakewalk. I am always envious of cities that take advantage of their lake front areas – living on Lake Erie – it has always been one of my frustrations, having all of this water front and not utilizing it for walkways or for building up business around it. 

After we ate, we walked down Canal Road where there were a bunch of tourist shops and outfitters for outdoor gear. We stopped in a few, walked around and just enjoyed the walking around before we continued. If I remember correctly that was a chilly day. I consider Duluth to be a good day trip location and maybe there is more to do in the area, but we stopped for a good amount of time and I’m glad we saw it and then we moved on!

Mall of America

What girl hasn’t dreamed of going to Mall of America? I sure have! I’ve heard so many stories and it’s been in books and I had this whole vision of it in my head.

So basically the night we stayed in Minneapolis before our flight home we had some time to kill – so we walked from our Hotel location to Mall of America and literally made it in before it started raining. It was a sketchy walk and we power walked the whole way there. 

It was like a 2.4 mile walk from our hotel – but I was determined. 

Once inside it was just huge and had every store you could ever imagine and a theme park on the first floor – a bunch of nickelodeon themed rides. 

We walked around and I went into the American Girl Doll store like any self respecting 28 year old at the time because it is every girls dream to walk around this two level store and I was in heaven. It was awesome.

The mall in general was – a mall. With a lot of stores and food places and it was cool. I think the older I get the less interested I am in malls because I don’t want to spend my money but I am glad we saw it none the less – a total tourist move and Ricky was a good husband to indulge me on this long walk to just walk around a mall. You’re a good man.