Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes

After our drive to Old Mission Point Lighthouse – we stopped and got Panera, Coffee a charger for our gopro annddd then we were on our way to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Lakeshore.

TIP: This is actually a part of the National Park Service (which I did not know) so if you have a Park Pass for the year – you can use it here and save yourself the $25! 

You actually start at the Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive and let me tell you – they sure know how to pick beautiful photos to get you all excited! In actuality – the leaves here really hadn’t started to change so we weren’t thaattt impressed… maybe if it were later in the “leaves” season. 

But along the loop – there are places to pull off and go for a hike and walk or look over the great sand dunes. 

There are 12 stops along the way.

The best stop was stop 10. That’s where you get the Lake Michigan Overlook and a hike you probably shouldn’t attempt – but we did.

Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes Hike:  In an effort to be fully disclosed – I really only wanted to do this because I had a work friend do it and she said I could. 🙂 always a good start. Anyway – there is a section at this overlook that is honestly a straight DROP to Lake Michigan. And the sand is SUPER thick and fine. Also there is like a $3000 FINE if you get stuck at the bottom and need to be rescued soooo there was no getting stuck and no being rescued. 

BUT at this stop – we took the risk to climb to the bottom and back up. Why? Because why not! Going down was not difficult – obviously – but on the way back up you no joke feel like you’re making no progress and the sand get’s into every part of your socks and boots – I had to throw away my socks because no amount of cleaning could get the sand out. It only took us 17 minutes to get up – but I definitely puked a little and had to cover it with the sand… Also there was an older guy in his 60s who LAPPED us. This is his weekend workout (showoff). We bear clawed it too the top and it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be – but if you can’t do the stair stepper for a half hour – don’t even attempt. And have good shoes. One chick went barefoot.

It was a fun challenge to attempt together and we laughed and cried together. I won’t tell anyone to attempt because I don’t want to be liable for you $3000 fine. Make your own decisions. 

Overall: Even if you decide NOT to do the climb – this stop was definitely a must- there is a cool overlook area and it really was pretty to see these enormous sand dunes go right into Lake Michigan.