San Francisco

What we did
  • Alcatraz and Angel Island Tour
  • Walked Pier 39/Fisherman’s Wharf
  • Played Arcade Games at Musée Mécanique
  • Got Ice Cream at Ghirardelli’s Chocolate
  • Drove to look at Painted Ladies.
We were super lucky to have a really nice CLEAR day to see the Golden Gate Bridge. We didn’t get to go this time, but that’s a plan for the next trip!

The most important thing I’ll ever say for this whole post. GO TO THE BATHROOM BEFORE THE BRIDGE.

We left Marysville bright and early. It’s only like 2.5 hours away but we heard traffic was horrible and we needed to get there early enough to park, walk to the dock and get on our boat for Alcatraz with a 9:40am depart time. 

I had a HUGE cup of coffee, about 2 miles away from the bridge I realized I had to go to the bathroom. BADDDDDDD. If I’ve ever come close to peeing my pants it was here and here was NO where to get off. We were stuck/stopped in traffic for 45 minutes getting into San Fran. Thank you Reddit for whoever posted that there was a porter potty on Treasure Island. I made them pull off and I’ve never been so thankful to see a porter potty in my life. 

Tip – Drink Coffee once you get there. You still have to park and walk to wherever you’re going, I wouldn’t have made it

General Tip – When yo do eventually park – mark your parking location in your phone!!!! SOO important otherwise I would have had NO CLUE where we parked. 

This is where we parked – California Parking. And then had a 20 minute walk to the dock!

Alcatraz/Angel Island

Ricky really wanted to do Alcatraz but it books up SUPER fast and early (book two months out if you can!!!) We were left with doing the Alcatraz and Angel Island tour – which ended up being really awesome and I’m glad we did. 

Angel Island is the Ellis Island of the west coast and it was really interesting to see the quarters and where people lived and learn the history. We took a tram ride around the island and they had key points for us to stop and get off. 

TIP – Only place to get food is a shack here with ice cream… kind of expensive but will satisfy when hungry. 

After this we went to Alcatraz. We did the guided tour with audio which I HIGHLY Suggest. I wouldn’t have appreciate it nearly as much if I didn’t have that. You have no idea what you’re really look at otherwise and who’s cell is whose. Hard to imagine being in one of the isolation cells though. I think I’d go mad. 

Pier 39

The docks for Alcatraz and Angel Island were right by Pier 39 so when we were done, we walked around the area went in and out of shops and then ate at Wipeout Bar and Grill. We enjoyed it. Good food. 

Musée Mécanique

Jenny told us about this penny slot old arcade stop so we went there and played some games at Fisherman’s Wharf.. it was actually super fun! Some were a quarter and some were a penny but they were all old mechanical games.


The chocolate place was close by so we went there and got Ice Cream because why not and then we walked the city just a little. The hills are no joke, wear comfortable shoes. 

Painted Ladies

When we were ready to leave we drove by the Painted Ladies, got out and it was basically dark and looked at them and then drove away. I’m glad we did it because even though it was dark, it’s not something you really need to stop and spend a lot of time at, just a drive by.

  • Wear WARM clothes/layers. The boat ride was FREEZING but then on the islands walking around was warmer. 
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Everything is expensive
  • Side alley’s smell like pee (but what city doesn’t)
  • The homes in general are amazing, each has their own unique style. I liked looking on realtor to see how much I could NOT afford them. 

I wish we would have had more time, but we got to do and see a LOT in one really full jam packed day!