Saguaro National Park

We made it to another National Park! I’m sure instagram has a lot to do with this, but I seriously never realized how many amazing places there were in the USA. Stupid I know!

So when we went to Tucson and I realized they had a National Park amongst them we HAD to go. 

Ricky’s mom loves these cactuses so it was fun to get to see them up close. First of all, don’t touch. HAH. It’s just such a different terrain than Ohio! We have huge trees, lots of greenery and grass and Tucson has these enormous cactuses and little ones. Just so different!

We had an Annual Park Pass from our trip to Cali back in April so we were lucky enough to get to use it here too to get in, otherwise if I remember correctly it’s $15 a car or $10 a person (check for all updated prices)

There are two sections to the park and we went to the East because it was closer. We drove through and then pulled off at a couple of spots to walk around on some paved trails they had. I’ve read that they bloom in May and June so we missed that but if you want to see them do it!

Saguaro Cactus Facts
  • They only grow in the Sonora Desert
  • They can grow up to 40ft
  • Long lifespan, can exceed 150 years!
  • 75-100 years to grow their 1st side arm (some don’t ever grow an arm)
  • It can take 10 years for it to grow 1in in height
  • Largest Saguaro ever measured was 78ft tall.