
Feed Your Spiritual Soul

Life can be rough. Life can be unfair. The one truth I know above all else is the God loves me and cares for me. Sadly people take that to mean that he solely cares for our happiness. Happiness was never guaranteed. Peace. Contentment. Hope. That’s the promise of the gospel. 

This page is dedicated to scripture and topics of the day pertaining to Christianity and how we can better live as Christians. We have information overload today and it can be difficult to tell who is preaching truth. That’s why I love the Bereans. Because they examined the scriptures every day to see if what Paul was teaching was true. They didn’t look at his follower count or bank account. They compared his teachings to God’s word.

BreakPoint: Have you been outside today?

Our mom is always sending us articles and this one happens to fit right in with the point of this site, linking our need to be outside with our spiritual growth and understanding.

Politically Abrasive

Ask, Seek, Knock