Our Mom’s cousins arrived from California to spend the remainder of the trip with us and they are truly wonderful Christian people.  We woke up a little later to allow them to sleep in a bit but we knew our drive to The North Rim would be long.

Once we packed our lunches we started our 2.5 hour drive to the southern most tip.  You can always go straight to the Visitors Center however, the Cape Royal Road was recently back open from the winter months.

To get to the Cape Royal Road you head like you’re going to the Visitor’s Center then back track a short way to 67, heading North.  Go slow so you don’t miss this fork in the road, like we did. This road is extremely windy and has a lot of switch backs. Go slow!

There was hardly anyone in the parking lot as we had a few snacks and drinks. We also put on sunscreen because you will be exposed for a lot time and the elevation here makes you even more susceptible to the sun’s rays.  We literally walked a short little ways on a paved path and were smack dab looking out toward Angel’s Window and the Grand Canyon. 

We took a lot of photos right here then traveled onward to walk out on top of Angel’s Window.  The final place we stopped and took photos here was at Cape Royal point.  This point overlooks Wotan’s Throne and Vishnu Temple. 

I can hardly describe the feeling and immeasurable vastness of the Grand Canyon. You get a little woozy and motion sick just looking over each point and you feel so small.  Everyone experienced something emotionally different here, but it was overall worth the extra drive to this lookout to experience it in solitude.  After seeing Bryce and Zion, I honestly had low expectations that, “I’ve seen such cool stuff already, how can anything beat those,” thoughts running through my head — but I was shown up.  It is wide and long and vast and massive and deep it all really is. 

After Cape Royal we got back in the car and drove to the North Rim’s Visitor Center (approx. 30 minutes away). We ate lunch in the parking lot here with the Grand Canyon peeking thru some pine trees.  This location was a whole new landscape with amazing lookouts and paved paths.  The Visitor’s Center has a lodge and a wonderful viewing area, gift shop, food and more.


We really enjoyed this area of the North Rim too.  We went out so far on Bright Angel Point and climbed so many rocks and structures and took a ton of photos.  We really had a blast and it was all easy hiking here… nothing strenuous. 

Overall the North Rim was a fantastic wonder.  My eyes hurt taking it all in and it’s something I will never forget. I cannot wait to visit again.


  • You only need trail shoes and a camera here.
  • Leave the backpacks and things that weigh you down in the car.
  • Wear sunscreen – I got torched this day / as always, bring a hat and sunglasses.
  • The elevation heights can reach 8200ft here so be mindful of elevation sickness, your perception of all edges & drop offs.
  • The North Rim was not crowded at all!!
  • Take chances and go out on some rocks while someone else takes photos of you far away!
  • Check the wind forecast – had it been windy, we would not have climbed so much.
  • This is a good “chill” day, not so much a hiking day.