Friends in AZ

I’m an extrovert. Ricky is an introvert. When we are in any social situation – he is FULLY content to sit off to the side and watch. He can sit there for 3 hours and not say one word. It KILLS me because I’m so opposite – it really is just that I don’t get it!


When we are together with his friends from his days in the military he is seriously like a different person. Getting to watch him hangout with Jared and Joe is refreshing for me because they’re scarily all similar and through these two great guys, I’ve gain two great girlfriends in Libby and Jenny. 

Libby and Joe were so kind to let us stay with them and through that experience we got to become friends with Aileen and Hector.

Ricky and I met Cody and Heather up in Michigan when we went to visit Joe and we became even better friends on this trip. 

To be quite honest, I’m sometimes scared to meet other girls because you just NEVER know how they will be. I’m going to spend time with people I don’t know all that well (besides like Libby and Jenny, I knew them) but I can honestly say I’ve never felt more comfortable. All our husbands/boyfriends/finances choose well! 

When the guys were gone for the day primping for the wedding, Aileen, Jenny and I hung out and got ready together. Then we got coffee and just hung out a bit before the wedding (and then after during after house portion… haha)

I loved getting to go with Libby and the other girls to pick up her wedding dress (and then hide it in the house from Joe and the cats- that was stressful).

I loved getting to spend the week before just hanging out and doing whatever we could to help Libby. What a person to host a group of 6 people in your house the week before you wedding

With everything going on in Joe and Libby’s life (read end of wedding blog for details) it was nice to get to spend as much time hanging out as we could.

AZ has so much to explore and so much more in store for us… this was just the beginning!