Explore with the people you love

Family is… wonderful… sometimes. I think one the greatest joys I have is getting to travel with family. It can also be one of the most annoying. My whole family is opinionated and we all think we’re the right one. Which can get frustrating. One thing I’m super thankful for though is an outsiders opinion (my husband, Ricky) and while he’s part of the family now, he can take a step back and tell me I’m being overly sensitive to the situation.

When we were in Mexico, I remember waiting for soft serve at the Ice Cream maker and saying a little too loud so people could hear, “Ricky if you don’t move up you’ll never get ice cream”. Because if you’ve ever traveled, you realize not everyone is aware that SOMEONE ELSE HAS BEEN WAITING. Ricky was quite embarrassed and told me I needed to CHILL OUT, because we were on vacation and I needed to stop acting so impatient. Whoops. My high strung personalty was coming out. 

I also remember wanting to be mad at him and not talk but I have to suck up my pride and admit he was right. You’re probably wondering what this has to do with family, but that’s how we are. High strung and it comes out when we are all together even more! 

When we go with family, I have to remember to chill out, take a step back and not everything is a big deal.

At the end of the day, I seriously love them all. 

My Dad is one of the best people to go vacation with because he is always negotiating terms, reading up on everything before we get there, searching for the deals, getting up early to get us the best seats at the beach and whole host of other things.

My Mom reminds us constantly how exciting everything is. She is one of the most easily entertained people but I LOVE that about her. From the evening shows in Mexico to hiking and exploring new places, she is always game and always wants to come along. If you want to go ANYWHERE and need a travel/hike/bike or just a buddy to explore with – she’s a phone call away!

Dee is the one that makes me laugh because we have such similar humor. She’s my confidant when the parents semi frustrate me. She takes pictures and goofs off and is always pushing us to go that extra mile on our hikes. 

Ricky – well that one is obvious. I love traveling with him because he’s my hubby and it gives us quality time to enjoy and build memories together. There’s no point in listing because I really love everything, but mostly, I love how he compliments my personality and calls me out when I need it!