A Charleston Getaway

This picture is from our FIRST road trip together. I was already annoying Ricky at this point I can tell

It seems like every 3 months I have the privilege of going on some trip somewhere. In March we did Mexico, in June we did Utah/Arizona and now we’re heading down south. But  while those other trips were fun, this one will be different because it will just be Ricky and I!

We’ve done 2 family vacations and so that’s really why we’ve been able to do so many this year. My parents are SUPER generous and helped with a LOT of the expenses for Utah and Mexico isn’t THAT expensive when you budget.

But I’m in need of some 1 on 1 time with my husband. He works in Law Enforcement and we had a pretty big event in our area recently that he worked something like 70 hours of overtime in a week. I didn’t see him. And he was gone earlier in the summer for a conference. So to me this is just really needed before school starts and both of us are crazy busy. 

So we’re going to Charleston! The trip started as a way to see my friend Jen from college and her husband. She’s been there a few years and I’ve been wanting to visit! The south seems so dreamy to me. 

Then because Ricky likes a good road trip (and sometimes it’s cheaper than flying and then renting a car) we decided to drive there, make it a 10 day trip and see some other people along the way.

Our goal is to head to Gatlinburg first and see the Smokey Mountains (add another national park to our list) and Ricky’s brother and sister-in-law who live close. 

After that we’re going to head to the Biltmore Estate (although Ricky isn’t too thrilled about the price of this, in fact he said – we could fly to Vegas for the price!).

From there we head to Charleston where I have a whole list of places to see.

  • Magnolia Plantation
  • Boone Hall Plantation
  • Fort Sumter
  • Cypress Gardens
  • Francis Marion National Forest
  • Angel Oak

And a whole host of other things – we’ll see how much we actually do.

After that we’re heading to DC to visit my brother. He’ll have just taken the Bar Exam in Virginia (pray he passes!) and we’ve never been to DC so it will be fun to see him and see the capital. I’m not even going to list what we plan to do here because we’re still decided but like the memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, tomb of the unknown solider and maybe even Georgetown.

What I’m most looking forward too is laughing and just spending time together. I did NOT grow up road tripping and didn’t look forward to it the first time Ricky and I went on one, but I’m learning to enjoy the slow pace, to pull over and look at the views and enjoy the company sitting beside you.
