Ask, Seek, Knock


Faith is a part of everyone’s life in one way or another; whether they realize it or not.

It takes faith to believe there is a God who created the universe.

It takes faith to believe the earth started through the “big bang” theory and evolution.

One side believes everything came from a creator. The other believes everything came from nothing. We have no eyewitnesses and we can’t interview anyone to really determine with finite proof one or the other (although both claim science can help their argument).

So how do you sift through this?


Recently I’ve been wondering if people actually think about what happens after this life? Again, it takes faith because none of us have been “to the other side”. Some claim nothing – others claim an eternity based on a decision in this life. 

As I think about this the first thing that comes to mind is C.S. Lewis’ quote:

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

Now I get it – there have been a LOT of people who “claim” (and I put that in quotations for a reason) to be Christians. It used to be the majority of Americans (depending on polls you look at) and a lot has been done in the name of “Christianity” but as a professing Christian, it needs to be stated: Just because someone claims to be a Christian, doesn’t mean they are. While that may sound judgmental – it’s biblical, which is the book we’re measured by. 

Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!” Matthew 7:22-23

I bring this up because there are many (as the verse states!) who claim to do things in the name of Jesus but don’t resemble his attributes in any way, shape or form. Many claim to follow Him but show zero qualities and traits of who he called us to be. Then we see others who say they “believe in God,”  which to them, is enough to identify as a Christian.  Here again the Bible says:

You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder. James 2:19

So what does Jesus want from us!? 


Maybe this sounds like circular reasoning to you because you don’t believe the Bible to begin with – I get that. But my hope is to get us conversing about Christianity! Not based on what the world has told you – but from the facts. 

Now you’re probably really confused – facts?! Yeah Right?! So, let’s Look at it like a research paper. Present your thesis and then set out to prove or disprove what you believe with counter arguments and a reasonable conclusion. That’s all I’m asking. I’m asking for you to seek.

  1. Seek out, if who Jesus is who he claimed to be.
  2. Seek out the archaeology and see if it’s proving or disproving the Bible’s historical accuracy. 
  3. Seek if we can trust The Bible based on the “bibliography test.” Do other books of antiquity like “The Iliad” get our automatic stamp of approval? How do these other books stack up next to The Bible? 

This year I’ve been making an effort to listen to more thought-provoking podcasts & books on audio. I’ve gotten to the place where music gets old after awhile & I feel old for admitting that. This new venture has lead me listening to more apologetics on the Christian Faith.  I am reading books that present logical arguments and reasoning for Jesus instead of just the response “well I believe it because I believe it“.

It’s why I feel led to write. As I read more and listen more – I am 100% certain that Jesus is who he claimed to be – but I don’t want my reasoning to be – well I just believe. That’s not good enough today – there are a lot of skeptics and maybe you’re one of them – seek him.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8


That is my prayer for you – that you will seek Jesus out (don’t get it twisted, that’s not a passage on prosperity – context!).

My Prayer is that one day you will knock on the door and Jesus will welcome you in – because for anyone who knocks – the door will be opened.


Where to start?! These are book I’ve read that have helped me.  Some of these people have started out in other religions or were athiests/agnostics themselves…set out to prove The Bible was a hoax and Jesus was just a guy.  You may not always understand what they’re speaking about at a high level but STRETCH yourself. Grow, Learn & Get uncomfortable!  


The truth is – I believe this with all my heart and more than anything I just want you to seek out OBJECTIVE TRUTH. He is the God who came down to this broken world – to die a gruesome death on the cross for me… for you. I can’t get over that because I’m so not worthy of that. I don’t always represent Christ best – but I’m working on that because he is worthy of my best AND he’ll help me. I don’t have to go through this life on my own or try and change on my own. THANK GOD! (literally)


This post was also based off my dad’s sermon which you can listen too below

3 thoughts on “Ask, Seek, Knock”

  1. AMEN to this post. Search for Jesus with all your heart–He will not let you down. This life is pretty meaningless unless there is “someone” greater who has a purpose for our lives—that “someone” would be God–who created us to “BE” with Him–but we gotta choose to love him and follow him while here on this earth. God’s word–the Bible–is the compass for our lives–so read it and learn from it and Choose to follow Jesus.

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