Washington DC

We’ve done a lot of traveling and have visited a lot of people but had never visited my brother – so we made sure on this trip – we did. My brother lives in Fairfax VA and absolutely loves it. He loves the fast pace, the young vibe and all the opportunity that exists.

Ricky and I liked… to visit. hahah. Don’t get me wrong – we LOVED Washington D.C. and the surrounding area. I cannot believe how clean and beautiful everything was. Just a regular grocery store was nice looking – not run down at all. But the amount of people and price probably means we’d never move there so I’m glad Josh lives there so we can visit whenever we want and have a tour guide!

Neither of us had ever been to the area so we tried to pack in as much as we could.

Make a Plan

There is SO MUCH to do an see in DC and depending on how many days you have and how much you’re willing to walk, make a plan so you can see everything you want to see! 

I took a screenshot of my phone and marked everything. Black was places we for sure wanted to go, magenta was places we’d like to see if we could.

Day 1

The day we decided to go downtown, we meet up with my brother at 10:30 am in Fairfax – he said there was no point in leaving before 10am because you’d be stuck in morning traffic. 

Two quick TIPS 

1.) Wear comfortable shoes – we walked 13 miles this day (again we wore our Chacos)

2.) Fairfax was a cool 80 – Washington was soooo much hotter and muggier – if you’re staying in Fairfax, add 10 degrees! hahahah! I thought I’d be nice and cool because that’s how it felt in Fairfax and I was DYING I was so hot. (Remember it’s a swamp!)

Arlington Cemetery 

We paid to park there and then went to the visitors center to get a map. All I can say is if you’ve never visited you should. To look at all the tombstones of people who have served our country and their family members is overwhelming. Reading the years and going to the different areas.

We went to see the changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. It was such a hot day, I had sweat dripping down my back and all I could think was how these guys have chosen to do this in all types of weather, constantly moving, because that’s how much of an honor it is and that’s how important it is to honor the fallen soliders. 

We walked around a little more and there really was no talking here – how can you have a conversation? A must visit just to even pay your respects to these men and women.

Washington D.C. 

After Arlington – we drove in to D.C. and Josh took us to the Wharf area and we walked around and ate at The Brighton. We decided just to park in a garage because trying to find street parking was just not what we wanted to do. It was so nice to see water front developed! I live near a great lake and there is seriously nothing cool down there. This was amazing.

After that we started our long walk. 

From the Thomas Jefferson Monument to Teddy Rosevelt and Lincoln Memorial, Korean War, WWII, Vietnam, Washington Monument…. there are so many to see and it is definitely walkable – just wear comfy shoes and dress for the weather. 

Opinion on the Monuments – they’re enormous and you should definitely go see them if you can! 

TIP – My brother’s roommate told us that the Monuments are open 24/7 and the area is heavily monitored and so his favorite time to visit is during the evening when all the monuments are lit up – I thought that was an amazing idea! Do all the museums during the day when it’s hotter than hades (they’re all basically free and have a/c) and then do the monuments at night! We didn’t do that but I would next time for sure. 

National Archive – we ended up going to the National Archive as well because that is where the Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence are. Wow. 200 years of history and the forming of our country on a sheet of paper – it is definitely fading so pictures are strictly prohibited so go and see it with your own eyes. 

White House – we obviously had to walk to the white house as well – pretty crowded and really just a photo-op. But I will say I have no idea why but I didn’t realize how close it was to the National Mall – I thought it was in a totally different area!

After all the monuments Josh wanted to meet up with his roommate and friend so we went to a place called The Hamilton for appetizers and cold water (or drinks for others) and then we waited and cooled off! Again, A/C. 

Josh’s big thing for the day was to go to the top of The W which has a spectacular view of Washington D.C. So we went up there and contemplated dinner but I’m picky – so we went to Capital City Brewing which had a ton of options for food! But if you’re the kind of person who likes to get a drink at a bar and see new places – the W was definitely an amazing view, and if you don’t drink – go get a water or something – still worth the view!

View from The W

After we ate – we started our long walk back to the car! A 13 mile day!

Day 2

I think we were all pretty tired day two but there was more to see!

So we did Georgetown really quickly – Josh parked us on a side street and we walked around the area. We got brunch at Leopold’s Kafe (amazing!) and we quickly went in and out of stores – it’s a shopping area for sure so if you’re looking for any trendy shop – this is the place to find it! I wasn’t there to spend any more so we looked around – Josh took us to the waterfront which again was ADORABLE (but no breeze that day so I was done) and then I was told I needed to get Georgetown Cupcakes – so we waited in line for about 10 minutes but boy were they good. Totally worth it!

After Georgetown – none of us wanted to walk but I wanted to see Old town Alexandria – so Josh drove us through the area – still a cute area but seemed a little less packed and quieter but still cute. A little more quaint where Georgetown was totally hip and trendy

After that – we went back to our hotel – took a good long nap and then went to my brother’s house for dinner! His roommates made dinner and it was the first hamburger I had the whole trip and totally amazing. They were such great hosts and made such good food – it was nice getting to hangout and meet them after all these years. I now have a face to the names!

Day 3

Day 3 was our last day of the trip – we woke up – went to church with Josh – went to lunch at Whole Foods near him (it was absolutely amazing) then said our goodbyes and started our 6.5 hour drive home… the end of an amazing vacation visiting a lot of people we love!

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  1. Pingback: I Love My Chacos – Refreshes My Soul

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