Wedding Time – AZ Style

The main reason for our trip to Arizona was to be part of Joe and Libby’s wedding day. Ricky and Joe and have been friends for a long time and Libby and I became friends the week of my wedding – when her and Joe came to celebrate our big day. I can comfortably say Joe is one of Ricky’s BEST FRIENDS – so I LOVE getting to see him relaxed and natural with his friends. Otherwise he’s a pretty quiet guy. If your not a close friend or family, he won’t talk much.

The Venue

The couple had their wedding day at Stillwell House and Garden. WHAT. A. STUNNING. VENUE. A few of us girls whose husbands were in the wedding got coffee beforehand at a local place and to think this place was right around the corner is crazy. You’re in a downtown area then here is this really pretty house, courtyard and reception area. 

The Ceremony

Because Tucson is HOT in the summer, November is PERFECT weather for an outdoor ceremony. They walked down the aisle in the courtyard with eucalyptuses and fresh flowers everywhere. Libby wore a form fitting ivory dress that she was just glowing in and I have to mention the flower girls in their little tutus because they were so cute!

The Reception 

The dinner took place on the same in the same venue, just in the house, it was two stories with the second story having railing and really pretty stairs down the center. After we ate and family did the toasts (P.S. BOTH speeches were killing and had me laughing and crying at the same time… how often does THAT happen) we went over and there was cake and dancing on the other side of the courtyard. They even had corn-hole and some other games set up outside but I obviously stayed near the cake and dance floor.


One of Ricky’s friends was also in the wedding and since these three boys live in three different states (now one in another country) I know they wanted to spend as much time together as possible. So we continued the evening as we were near downtown and walked to the bar area. Let me just say how pooped out I was but what I good wife I am! Lol totally tooting my own horn. But it was fun to hear about their old stomping ground and where they use to go and how much it’s changed. We did not last long. They had been up early getting ready and taking pictures and so I think their ambition was a little more than ours. 


What it really comes down to was this day. Joe a few months prior got a diagnosis of stage 4 Melanoma Cancer at like 30. Libby and Joe ended up officially getting married on September 18th so she could be part of medical decision but we had seen them a month before – he was fine and now this. He had been going through treatment and had been feeling terrible. I obviously don’t know the extent being in Ohio but it was so much so that the day they actually got married, Joe didn’t feel great. So for month we’d been praying that their wedding celebration with all of us would be a positive one. Joe would feel good and he could enjoy the day. It sounds silly to say now, but if you didn’t know he had cancer, you wouldn’t have on that day. So I thank God for an answered prayer and for time to celebrate a beautiful couple

Final thoughts

Joe’s treatment seems like a roller coaster so prayers are beyond appreciated. They’ve done different treatments and at this point it’s down to clinical trials. He’s currently undergoing one so we’re praying this one works AND STAYS WORKING! Remember, no matter what you’re going through to hold the people you love tight. Joe and Libby are going through more in a year than most of us will in a lifetime – so pray. Nothing else we can do.

Their photos were done by Tara Leinen Photography and Libby talks about how great she was all the time. Their actual official wedding in September – they asked if she could by chance get some photos since it was kind of last minute (ya know since you have to book photographers MONTHS in advance usually for a day) and she did! Talk about great relationship building with your customers.