St. Lucia

St. Lucia – Sugar Beach & Marigot Bay

Excursion Day: Costal Cruise to the Pitons & swim/snorkel at the Bay

Booked Through: Royal Caribbean

Cost: $64/person

On the morning of our 3rd day we had a cattle call for all the folks who signed up for Royal Caribbean excursions.  We met in the theater, got grouped based on what we were doing that day, waited for our number to be called, then exited the boat.  While it was painless, it did take a while from the theater, to exit the ship, back in line, wait around, then all walk to the boat we were getting on. 

Half our group missed this paid for excursion from another late night out.  When they did finally wake they asked about taking a cab to where we boated to and it was about $150/person – so don’t miss your excursions! 

The boat was really great! It was a lot bigger than I expected and was a double-decker, so we sat on top & cruised to the opposite end of the island.

The ride down to the Pitons looked like something out of Jurassic Park.  Massive hills and green landscapes mixed with sandy shores… all impressive.

As we approached the bay between the Pitons, we came upon a place that was serene and peaceful and beautiful.  The coast consisted of a small public beach and also a resort.  Between the beach and resort there was a long pier that jutted out.

Our Boat parked out away from the beach, so we jumped in the water and started to snorkel around the bay.  I personally didn’t see many cool fish after about 30-40 minutes of looking… so I swam to shore, took my gear off and dried out.

Eric passed out on a lounge chair after too much swimming and sun, so Ahmad and I found the pier to be an amazing place to jump off of. It’s hard to convey how much fun something so silly can be when you’re in a jungle with no cares at all.  

After about 2 hours of bliss we prepped to make the long swim back to the boat.  Before we left a little islander boy made me a fish out of a palm leaf and Ahmad a cricket. I still have the fish today! It was sooo cool! Unfortunately, I didn’t have any money to tip the kid.

On our way back to the cruise port we made a stop in Marigot Bay (which was unexpected).  All I can say is “WOW!!” to this area of the island.  This tropical oasis is surrounded by steep forested hills and is arguably one of the most beautiful bays in the Caribbean. The old movie Dr. Doolittle (1967) was filmed here. There are resorts chiseled into the steep hills with pools and white sand beaches… along with boats from all over the world. We just passed through here but I’m glad we did! 

Back at the dock we exited the boat and checked out a few little shops before getting back on the ship.